People ask “what is the difference between your lighting and the lighting at Big Box Stores”? Here is why you should look to Nida Lighting for your Christmas /Holiday Lighting. First of all, when you call us with questions we will be able to answer your questions about Christmas lighting whether it is helping you choose the best lighting type for your Christmas lighting Project. Second, Big box stores usually have lower pricing. There are a number of reasons their pricing is less than our pricing but quality is certainly not one of the reasons. The difference in pricing and the quality of the products along with our knowledge is always superior. In the last 31 years how many chain stores have come and gone. We are still here selling the best Christmas lighting available.
We carry both incandescent light strands and bulbs as well as the LED retrofit C-7/C-9 bulbs and the LED mini-light strands. Each style and type of Christmas lighting has an application that it is probably more suited for. The 5MM LED light strand is going to give you better coverage then a M5 LED strand but if you are looking to get a more direction light application like signage then the M5 might be the better light strand. Personally I think the 5MM strand is the superior strand.
The retrofit C7 and C-9 LED bulbs are continuing to evolve and there are many styles to choose from now. Whatever you choose, be sure that style will be available in the future. The faceted LED retrofit bulb continues to be most popular in the retrofit LED bulbs. Please feel free to call us and discuss your lighting projects.